EGOKITUZ is being researching in Human-Computer Interaction for accessibility since 1985.

EGOKITUZ, Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction for Special Needs, is part of the University of the Basque Country EHU, and was created in 1985 with the aim of applying the new technologies of information and communication to solve communication and mobility problems of people with disabilities to contribute to improving personal autonomy and social and labor integration.

As a result of multiple research projects developed by EGOKITUZ throughout its history, it has generated software and hardware support for direct and remote interpersonal communication, environmental control, mobility and assisted manipulation, etc. On the other hand, it has developed human-computer interfaces adapted to enable access to ubiquitous environments. EGOKITUZ has developed methodologies, tools and metrics for automatic evaluation and quantitative measurement of Web accessibility. Its research results have been published in international scientific journals and conferences.

These projects have been financed by public funds of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Basque Government, various Spanish Government Ministries (Technology, Education and Universities, Social Affairs, Industry, etc.) and the European Union.

EGOKITUZ has been invited to participate in various international committees and seminars to discuss issues related to accessibility for people with disabilities and elderly.

Funded by:

Gobierno de EspaƱa