21 April 2020 · ·
Abstract: Online public services may alleviate many of the inconveniences citizens have to face when accessing public services in the real world. People with low vision may be one of the collectives who could benefit from electronic services (short as e-services) the most, as they can be accessed anytime, anywhere and with the help of their usual assistive technology. Many public e-services are provided by means of accessing, completing and submitting an online-form. However, they are not always accessible for people with low vision and completing them often becomes a complex task. This paper aims to provide mechanisms for measuring the complexity of public e-services forms for people with low vision. Five public e-services have been evaluated according to accessibility guidelines and complexity measuring metrics. In addition, an exploratory study was conducted including five people with low vision and five without visual impairments. The preliminary analysis of the data collected leads us to identify some of the key aspects to be included in online-forms complexity metrics for people with low vision.
The full paper is published in W4A '20: Proceedings of the 17th International Web for All Conference April 2020 Article No.: 21 Pages 1–5 and can be dounloaded from