Inclusive Guidelines for Human-Computer Interaction.
Nicolle C., Abascal J.
2001 - Include 2001. Int. Conf. on Inclusive Design and Communications.
Oral communication
HCI Curricula in Spain. A cooperatively designed, free web-access syllabus.
Lorés J., Abascal J., Cañas J. J., Aedo I., Gea M., Ortega M., Ureña L. A., Valero P. M., Vélez M.
2000 - 2nd. Int. Symp. of Computers in Education, SIIE 2000
Oral communication
The Application of USERfit Methodology to Teach Usability Guidelines.
Abascal J., Nicolle C.
2000 - Tools for Working with Guidelines. TWG’2000.
Oral communication
Mobile Communication for People with Disabilities and Older People: New Opportunities for Autonomous Life.
Abascal J., Civit A.
2000 - 6th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All
Oral communication
Towards a common & free Spanish curricula contents of HCI in Internet using cooperative design.
Lorés J. (editor), Abascal J., Cañas J. J., Aedo I., Gea M., Ortega M., Ureña L. A., Valero P. M., Vélez M. (contributors).
2000 - NordiCHI Workshop on HCI Education.
Oral communication
Sistemas de Interacción Persona-Computador para usuarios con discapacidad.
Abascal J., Garay N., Gardeazabal L.
2000 - Jornadas de Interacción Persona-Ordenador. Interacción’2000
Oral communication
Revisión de métodos para mejorar la velocidad de comunicación en sistemas de ayuda a la CAA.
Abascal J., Garay N., Gardeazabal L.
1999 - 1as Jornadas sobre Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa
Oral communication
TetraNauta: A Weheelchair Controller for Users with very Severe Mobility Restrictions.
Civit A., Abascal J.
1998 - 3rd TIDE Congress.
Oral communication
Ethical and social issues of "teleservices" for disabled and elderly people.
Abascal J. G.
1997 - IFIP TC9 WG 9.2/9.5 Inter. Conf. on Culture and Democracy Revisited in the Global Information Society.
Oral communication
Intelligent Word-Prediction to Enhance Text Input Rate.
Garay N., Abascal J. G.
1997 - 1997 Int. Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI97
Oral communication