Word prediction for inflected languages. Application to Basque language.
Garay N., Abascal J. G.
1997 - ACL/EACL-97, 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics & 8th Conf. of the EuropeanChapter of the Association for Comp. Linguistics.
Oral communication
Augmented interfaces for people with severely reduced mobility.
Abascal J., Gardeazabal L., S. Urigoitia, Garay N.
1997 - Dundee’97. Int. Conf. on Wheelchairs and Seating.
Oral communication
Aspectos éticos y sociales de los Teleservicios para discapacitados y ancianos.
Abascal J. G.
1996 - ETHICOMP'96. 3er congreso internacional de ética y computadores.
Oral communication
Design and integration of alternative and augmentative interfaces under Windows environment.
Gardeazabal L., Abascal J. G., Garay N., Postigo A., Urigoitia S., M. de Morentín M. J.
1995 - 2nd TIDE Congress.
Oral communication
CAAP. Design process of a portable communicator based on users specifications.
Gardeazabal L., Abascal J. G., Ramos L. M., Garay N., Postigo A., Urigoitia S., de Arriba M. J.
1995 - 2nd TIDE Congress.
Oral communication
Application of the Human Conversation Modelling in a Telephonic Aid.
Garay N., Abascal J. G., Urigoitia S.
1995 - iHFT'95. 15th Int. Symp. on Human Factors in Telecommunications
Oral communication
Some Issues on Human-Computer Interface Design from the Rehabilitation Technology Point of View.
Abascal J.
1995 - Workshop on User Interface Design for Communication Systems. TIDE CEC-DG XIII.
Oral communication
Monografía: Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in a Word Prediction-Aid
Garay N., Abascal J. G.
1994 - Computers for Handicapped Persons, 4th Int. Conf., ICCHP'9
Oral communication
Using Statistical and Syntactic Information in Word Prediction for Input Speed Enhancement.
Garay N., Abascal J. G.
1994 - Basque Int. Workshop on Information Technology (BIWIT 94).
Oral communication
El papel de la Informática en la rehabilitación de discapacitados.
Arruabarrena A., Gardeazabal L., Abascal J. G.
1991 - Congreso Europeo de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Madrid 1991.
Oral communication