Generación de interfaces de usuario accesibles para entornos ubicuos, basadas en modelos
Miñón R., Abascal J., Aizpurua A., Cearreta I., Gamecho B., Garay N.:
2011 - XII Congreso de Interacción Persona-Ordenador INTERACCIÓN 2011
Oral communication
TV as a human interface for Ambient Intelligence environments
Epelde G., Valencia, X., Abascal J., Diaz U., Zinnikus I., Husodo-Schulz, C.
2011 - 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).
Oral communication
Some Issues Regarding the Design of Adaptive Interface Generation Systems.
Abascal J., Aizpurua A., Cearreta I., Gamecho B., Garay N., Miñón R.
2011 - 6th Int. Conf. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction UAHCI 2011 (Held as Part of HCI Int. 2011)
Oral communication
Supportive adaptive user interfaces inside and outside the home.
Miñon, R., and Abascal, J.
2011 - 2nd Int. Workshop on User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines (UMADR): Providing Assistance to People with Special and Specific Needs.
Oral communication
Applying the Affinto Ontology to Develop a Text-Based Emotional Conversation System
Cearreta I., Garay-Vitoria N.
2011 - INTERACT 2011
Oral communication
Aplicación de la ontología Affinto para el desarrollo de un sistema de conversación emocional por texto
Cearreta I., Garay-Vitoria N.
2011 - Interacción 2011 (XII Cong. Int. de Interacción Persona-Ordenador)
Oral communication
Toward Adapting Interactions by Considering User Emotions and Capabilities
Cearreta I., Garay-Vitoria N.
2011 - HCI International 2011
Oral communication
Testing a Standard Interoperability Framework. An Ambient Assisted Living Scenario
Gamecho B., Abascal J., Gardeazabal L.
2011 - International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI'11)
Oral communication
Automatically Generating Tailored Accessible User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Services
Abascal J., Aizpurua A., Cearreta I., Gamecho B., Garay-Vitoria N., Miñón R.
2011 - Int. ACM SIGACCESS Conf. on Computers and Accessibility, ASSETS 2011
Oral communication
MOISE, una experiencia de enseñanza especializada en Sistemas Empotrados
Arruti Illarramendi A., J. Abascal J., Ibarra Lasa A., Muguerza Rivero J.
2010 - SICE’2010, I Simposio de Computación Empotrada. Dentro del Congreso Español de Informatica CEDI 2010
Oral communication