Research topics of EGOKITUZ are the following
Assistive robotics
Assistive articulated arms.
Intelligent wheelchairs.
Low-cost mobile robots for accompanying and monitoring autonomous elderly.
Affective computing
Emotions recognition and synthesis.
Application on affective mediation.
Web accessibility
Design of tools for automatically evaluate and correct Web accessibility problems.
Study of guidelines in the cognitive Web access to enhance the accessibility of people with several types of restrictions.
User modelling and adaptive interfaces
Development of tools and techniques to enhance the user experience during the Web navigation.
Automatic interface personalization.
Assessment of unmet need for assistive technology in people with disabilities
Better understand the current situation that people with disabilities face in terms of their unmet need for assistive technologies and how this affects their participation and quality of life.
Promote transnational research that generates evidence-based strategies, aimed at improving the access of people with disabilities to the assistive technologies they need to be able to fully participate in their homes and communities.
Research on computing education
Computing for all in education.
Computing education at university level.