Brussels bruises


2020 Uztaila 25 · ·

2010 eta 2012 artean Egokituz-ek Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne irakaslea den Patrick Roe-k koordinatutako proiektu europarrean parte hartu zuen. Proiektu horretan, zuzendaritza batzordeko kidea nintzen. Arrazoi ezezagunak direla eta, proiektua ez zen Europako Batzordearen funtzionarioaren gustukoa eta berrikuspen bilerak nahiko desatseginak ziren, baita batzuetan ebaluatzaileak zakar portatu ziren gurekin. Zenbait alditan, proiektua gogoz defendatzeko beharra sentitu nuen. Hala ere, azken bukaeran proiektua arrakastatsua izan zen.

Patrick Roe-k, koordinatzaile aparta izateaz gain, oso musikari oparoa da, "Bruselas Bruises" izenburuko abestia osatzearen ohorea egin zidan. Bertan, nire liskarrak bileretan kontatzen zituen. Proiektuaren amaierako afarian bere gitarrarekin kantatu zigun. Zortzi urte geroago Patrick-ek "Never ever party" izeneko diskoa grabatu du, eta bertan abesti hau sartu du. Ikusbera bazara, Spotify-n aurki dezakezu. Eskerrik asko Patrick!

Julio Abascal


There is a new disease, in the heart of power

And it’s called the Brussels bruises

The symptoms are clear, it deafens the ear

And blocks the mind to any new idea

So if you want to know what makes Julio blow his fuses

It’s got to be the Brussels bruises


And there is no roadmap to your heart

No knowing just where to startNo telling how far we can grow apart

So if you want to know what makes Julio blow his fuses

It’s got to be the Brussels bruises

It’s got to be the Brussels bruises


The battle is drawing nearboth sides can smell the fear

Of being left with the Brussels bruises

There must be a cure to this disease that’s so obscure

That leaves us all with the Brussels bruises

So if you want to know who Julio’s muse is

It’s got to be the Brussels bruises


And there is a roadmap to your heart

Now I know just where to start

There’s no way we can ever grow apart

Now I know my dear Julio what your secret ruse is

To get rid of these Brussels bruises

To get rid of these Brussels bruises


And there is a roadmap to your heart

Now I know just where to start

There’s no way we can ever grow apart

Now I know my dear Julio what your secret ruse is

To get rid of these Brussels bruises

To get rid of these Brussels bruises


Lyrics & music by Patrick Roe