CHIRA 2018an eta NEUROTECHNIX 2018an osoko hitzaldia


2018 Iraila 20 · · Sevilla

Julio Abascal "The Digital Accessibility from the User Point of View" izeneko hitzaldia CHIRA 2018 eta NEUROTECHNIX 2018 kongresuetan emateko gonbidapena jaso zuen. Kongresuak Sevillan, irailaren 19tik 21era egin ziren.

Abstract: From its foundation in 1985, the Egokituz Laboratory of HCI for Special needs has researched the application of diverse HCI methodologies and technologies to enhance the inclusion and digital accessibility of people with diverse types of disabilities. Along this time we discovered that the human side of the HCI requires specific attention that technology oriented people -we- are not always qualified to pay. In this talk I will review some mistakes that lead us to learn it and our approaches to overcome them.