2015 Otsaila 25 · 15:00 · Areto Nagusia. Informatika Fakultatea. UPV-EHU
15:00 Myriam Arrue "Web transcoding for improving the user experience"
Egokituz. Informatika Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. []
15:50 Carlos Duarte “Ubiquitous Web Accessibility Needs”
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. []
16:40-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 Oscar Pastor " Methodological Approach to Supporting Accessibility in Web Engineering"
PROs. DSIC. Univèrsitat Politècnica de Valencia. [ miembros/46-contactopersonal/6-opastor]
17:50 Fabio Paternò "Beyond Responsive Design: Context-Dependent Multimodal Augmentation of Web Applications"
Laboratory on Human Interfaces in Information Systems. C.N.R.-ISTI, Pisa. []
18:40 Open discussion
19:00 End of the seminar
Each talk will be 40 minutes long, followed by a 10 minute discussion.
Goals and audience
The scope of this seminar is focused to Web engineering aspects, methodologies and tools for accessible design and its main goal is to discuss Web accessibility design issues with experts.
Expected audience: researchers and developers of Web technology and applications, interested in methodologies and tools oriented to accessibility.
Attendance is free.