Disability as diversity: The inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education - Edu4All

European Commission. EPPKA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices programme; CBHE-JP - Capacity Building in higher education - Joint Projects action.

Nestor Garay Vitoria



Logo of the Edu4ALL project       Logo expressing that this project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Disability support is the main aim of our project. We aim at establishing an “Inclusive Education Unit” that follows the international standards with the objective of equality in Education, Activities, and Services for students with disabilities. Edu4ALL is an innovative project to empower students with disabilities academically, socially, and psychologically through 4 goals: 1)reach; 2)development; 3)equity & quality;4)sustainability. Edu4ALL aims to reach students with disabilities and to build their capacity by including them in universities programs and increasing the successful participation of them; to build the capacity of staff (lecturers, administrative, and technician) and to ensure they are well trained for teaching and serving students with disabilities; to ensure that the educational experiences that students receive are high quality; and to ensure sustainability. The institution and classroom will operate on the premise that students with disabilities are as fundamentally competent as students without disabilities. Therefore, all students can be full participants in their classrooms and in the local institution community.


Finanziazio erakundea:
European Commission. EPPKA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices programme; CBHE-JP - Capacity Building in higher education - Joint Projects action.
Ikerlari arduraduna:
Nestor Garay Vitoria
Edurne Larraza Mendiluze
Myriam Arrue
Nestor Garay Vitoria
Xabier Gardeazabal Martinez de Espronceda
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Partners from EU and R3 region.
Nestor Garay Vitoria