"Data Mining and Physiological Signal Processing" saio bereziaren antolapena
2016 Urria 19 · La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia, Spain)
T4-W-S2 Data mining and physiological signals processing (J. Abascal, J. Muguerza)
- Martínez R., Abascal J., Arruti A., Irigoyen E., Martín J.I., Muguerza J. A Stress Classification System based on Arousal Analysis of the Nervous System.
- Martínez-Cagigal V., Núñez P., Hornero R. Spectral Regression Kernel Discriminant Analysis for P300 Speller Based Brain-Computer Interfaces.
- Aguado A., Rodriguez I., Lazkano E., Sierra B. Supervised+Unsupervised Classification for Human Pose Estimation with RGB-D images: a first step towards a rehabilitation system.
- Velasco-Álvarez F., Rodríguez-Fernández A., Ron-Angevin R. Switch mode to control a wheelchair through EEG signals.
- Plácido Da Silva H. The Biosignal C.A.O.S.: Reflections on the Usability of Physiological Sensing for Human-Computer Interaction Practitioners and Researchers.
EGOKITUZ buruzko erreportaia Teknopolisen (EITB)
2016 Otsaila 15 ·
EGOKITUZ-en gaur egungo ikerketa lerro nagusien aurkezpena Teknopolis EITB-ko saioan.
EGOKITUZ "Norteko Ferrokarrila" irratsaioan
2015 Abendua 17 ·
J. Abascal eta M.Arrue-ri elkarrizketa Guillermo Roak aurkeztutako EITB-ko "Norteko Ferrokarrila" irratsaioan.
Ondorengo estekan entzun dezakezu elkarrizketa:
Egokituz laborategiaren hogeita hamar urteurrena
2015 Abendua 16 · Carlos Santamaria Zentroa
09:30-10:00: Aurkezpen ekitaldia
10:00-10:30: Egokituz gaur
10:30-11:00: Kafea
11:00-12:00: Mahai ingurua erabiltzaile eta elkarteekin
12:00-12:30: "An american accessibility and AT researcher in Euskal Herria". Stefan Carmien (Tecnalia)
12:30-13:00: Laborategiaren hastapenak
13:00-13:45: “Komunikazioaren balada” Bazen Behin Clown Konpainia. Antzezle: Mentxu Arrieta.
14:00-15:00: Lunch
15:00-16:00: Mahai ingurua ikerketa talde eta enpresekin
16:00-16:30: Nora doa Egokituz
16:30-17:00: Kafea
17:00-18:00: Mahai ingurua Egokituzen kideohiekin
18:00-19:15: "Past present and future advancements in digital accessibility" Chieko Asakawa (IBM Tokio, U. Carnegie Mellon USA)
19:15-19:30: Itxiera
"Accessibility Award" saria INTERACT'2015 kongresuan
2015 Iraila 16 ·
Abstract. User behaviour analysis requires defining experimental sessions with numerous participants. In this context, the specification of experiments is a demanding task, as several issues have to be considered such as the type of experiment, the type and number of tasks, the definition of questionnaires and the user interaction data to be gathered. The analysis of collected data is also complex and often requires repeatedly examining recorded interaction videos. In order to deal with these tasks, we present a platform called RemoTest which assists researchers to specify and conduct experimental sessions as well as to gather and analyse the interaction data. This platform has been applied to define different formal user studies on the web and has assisted researchers in detecting the main interaction characteristics of different user profiles and settings.
"Prejudices, memories, expectations and confidence influence experienced accessibility on the Web"
2015 Apirila 22 ·
Evidence suggests that compliance to accessibility standards does not guarantee a satisfying user experience on the Web. Theactual accessibility of a website is worthless if users cannot perceive it. Unmet content and functionality related expectations havebeen identified as the main user problems not covered by guidelines. We expand on this by examining the role played by subjectiveand experiential dimensions, and particularly expectations, on users’ perceived web accessibility. We conducted a study with11 blind participants, who had to navigate on 4 restaurant websites, to uncover how these expectations shape their accessibilityperception. The thematic analysis on the transcribed interviews reveals that expectations are built up on previous experiences(either physical or via web) and preconceived ideas. We found that aspects, such as prejudices on branding issues or memoriesevoked by past experiences or emotional bonds, can a ect how user perceive and experience accessibility. Web content explicitlylabelled as accessible arises the curiosity and creates expectations about the accessibility of the website. We also observed thatnon-met expectations are often related to a sense of uncertainty and doubts, which can have an impact not only on participants’perceived web accessibility but on their user experience.
"Integrating adaptation rules for people with special needs in model-based UI development process"
2015 Apirila 13 ·
R. Miñón, F. Paternò, M. Arrue, J. Abascal. Integrating adaptation rules for people with special needs in model-based UI development process. Universal Access in the Information Society. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s10209-015-0406-3
Abstract. The adaptation of user interfaces for people with special needs is a promising approach in order to enable their access to digital services. Model-based user interfaces provide a useful approach for this purpose since they allow tailoring final user interfaces with a high degree of flexibility. This paper describes a system called Adaptation Integration System aimed at providing Cameleon Reference Framework model-based tools with a mechanism to integrate adaptation rules in the development process. Thus, more accessible user tailored interfaces can be automatically generated. The services provided by the system can be applied at both design time and runtime. At design time, a user interface can be tailored at any abstraction level in the development process. At runtime, changes in the context of use trigger the adaptation process. Adaptation rules are stored in a repository tagged with meta-information useful for the adaptation process, such as the granularity of the adaptations and the abstraction level. As case studies, two applications have been developed using the services provided by the system. One of them exploits the benefits at design time whereas the other application is devoted to describe the adaptation process at runtime. The results obtained in these two scenarios demonstrate the viability and potential of the Adaption Integration System since even inexperienced designers may efficiently produce accessible user interfaces.
"Assisted Interaction Data Analysis of Web-Based User Studies"
2015 Martxoa 14 ·
Abstract. User behaviour analysis requires defining experimental sessions with numerous participants. In this context, the specification of experiments is a demanding task, as several issues have to be considered such as the type of experiment, the type and number of tasks, the definition of questionnaires and the user interaction data to be gathered. The analysis of collected data is also complex and often requires repeatedly examining recorded interaction videos. In order to deal with these tasks, we present a platform called RemoTest which assists researchers to specify and conduct experimental sessions as well as to gather and analyse the interaction data. This platform has been applied to define different formal user studies on the web and has assisted researchers in detecting the main interaction characteristics of different user profiles and settings.
Raul Miñón-ek bere tesiaren defentsa egingo du Otsailaren 26an
2015 Otsaila 26 · Areto Nagusia. Informatika Fakultatea. UPV-EHU
Erabiltzaile interfaze guztien garapenean irisgarritasuna kontuan hartzea Informazioaren Gizarteak ezartzen duen betebeharretako bat da. Irisgarritasun eskakizunak garapen prozesuaren lehenengo urratsetatik sartzeak ahalbidetu dezake oztoporik gabeko erabiltzaile interfazeen garapena. Ondorioz, behar bereziak dituzten erabiltzaileentzat arazorik gabeko elkarrekintza bermatuko da. Zentzu honetan, ereduetan oinarritutako interfazeen sortze automatikoa funts sendo bat izan daiteke, izan ere, erabiltzaileari egokitutako interfaze irisgarriak sortzeko sistema automatikoak garatzea du helburu. Sistema hauen abantaila nagusia honako hau da: edozein diseinatzaile gaitzen dutela erabiltzaile interfaze egokiak sortzeko nahiz eta bere irisgarritasun jakintza maila handia ez izan. Horregatik, sistema hauek beharrezko irisgarritasun eskakizun guztiak euren prozesu osoan kontuan hartu behar dituzte.
Tesi honek ereduetan oinarritutako erabiltzaile interfazeen garapen automatikorako sistemak sortzeko erreferentziazko marko bat definitzen du. Marko honen helburua zera da, egoera ezberdinetan behar bereziak dituzten erabiltzaileei egokitutako interfazeak automatikoki sortzeko goitik beherako metodologia bat definitu eta eraikitzea eta sortzen diren interfazeak ebaluatzea. Gainera, erreferentziazko marko honek egoera ezberdinetako ezaugarriak kontuan hartzen ditu adibidez garapen batzuentzat ezartzen diren eskakizun espezifikoak.
Proposatutako erreferentzia markoa hiru sistema ezberdinen garapenean ebaluatu da, bakoitza nonahiko inguruneen egoera ezberdinetan aplikagarria zelarik eta eskakizun espezifikoak zituelarik. Sistema horiek automatikoki sortutako erabiltzaile interfazeak metodo ezberdinak erabiliz ebaluatu dira adituetan oinarritutako teknikak eta erabiltzaile frogak erabiliz.
Horrez gain, Cameleon Erreferentzia Markoan oinarritutako modeloen garapena errazteko tresnak ere sortu dira. Horrela, modelo ezberdinetan irisgarritasunaren baldintzak definitzeko prozesua errazten da, adibidez erabiltzaile interfaze abstraktuaren modeloan eta ataza modeloan. Hori dela eta, tresna hauek eta definitutako erreferentzia markoan oinarriturik garatu diren sistemek erabiltzaileei egokitutako interfaze irisgarrien garapena, kudeaketa eta mantentze-lana erraztuko dute.
"Engineering Web Accessibility"
2015 Otsaila 25 · Areto Nagusia. Informatika Fakultatea. UPV-EHU
15:00 Myriam Arrue "Web transcoding for improving the user experience"
Egokituz. Informatika Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. [https://www.egokituz.eus/es/miembros/myriam-arrue/mi-3-7-0-4/]
15:50 Carlos Duarte “Ubiquitous Web Accessibility Needs”
Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. [https://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~cad/]
16:40-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 Oscar Pastor " Methodological Approach to Supporting Accessibility in Web Engineering"
PROs. DSIC. Univèrsitat Politècnica de Valencia. [https://www.pros.upv.es/index.php/es/ miembros/46-contactopersonal/6-opastor]
17:50 Fabio Paternò "Beyond Responsive Design: Context-Dependent Multimodal Augmentation of Web Applications"
Laboratory on Human Interfaces in Information Systems. C.N.R.-ISTI, Pisa. [https://giove.isti.cnr.it/Users/Fabio/]
18:40 Open discussion
19:00 End of the seminar
Each talk will be 40 minutes long, followed by a 10 minute discussion.
Goals and audience
The scope of this seminar is focused to Web engineering aspects, methodologies and tools for accessible design and its main goal is to discuss Web accessibility design issues with experts.
Expected audience: researchers and developers of Web technology and applications, interested in methodologies and tools oriented to accessibility.
Attendance is free.