
Play for Children with Disabilities

Play for Children with Disabilities

2018 Maiatza 21 · Informatikako Ada Lovelace aretoa. UPV/EHU


Play is the most prevalent activity in childhood and has a central role in child development, fostering learning of cognitive, language and social skills. Children with disabilitiesmay be deprived from playing as a direct consequence of their impairments or because they do not have access to analogous forms of play in which they can take part. Building on the workdeveloped in the COST Action TD1309 ( []), this talk will provide an overview of the topic "Play for Children with Disabilities", addressingquestions such as "What is play?", "Do children with disabilities play?", "What barriers to play do children with disabilities face?", "How can an adult facilitate play?", "What toconsider when selecting toys, physical or digital games, or playspaces for children with disabilities". It will then focus on robotic applications that may enable children withdisabilities' play.

Elkartuz Topaketa: Irisgarritasun Unibertsala. Berdintasuna urratsez urrats

2017 Ekaina 20 · Tabakalera (Donostia)


Nestor Garayk parte hartu zuen ekainaren 20an Donostiako Tabakalera eraikinean Elkartuk antolatu duen topaketaren barruko mahai inguruan. Informazio gehiago:

Xabier Valenciak aurkeztu zuen du bere doktore tesia "A Web Transcoding Framework Based on User Behaviour Evaluation"

2017 Maiatza 17 · Ada Lovelace aretoa. Informatika Fakultatea. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.


Xabier Valenciak bere doktore-tesia "A Web Transcoding Framework Based on User Behaviour Evaluation" izenburupean aurkeztu szuen.Myriam Arrue (Egokituz, UPV/EHU) eta Julio Abascal (Egokituz, UPV/EHU) Doktoreek zuzenduta. Fabio Paternò (C.N.R.-ISTI, Pisa), Carlos Duarte (Universidade de Lisboa), Antón Civit (Universidad de Sevilla), Nestor Graray (UPV/EHU)eta Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza (UPV / EHU) doktoreek tribunala osatuko zuten. Bikain cum Laude kalifikazioa lortu zuen.

Gizaki-konputagailu elkarrekintza aurreratuari buruzko bigarren mintegia

Gizaki-konputagailu elkarrekintza aurreratuari buruzko bigarren mintegia

2017 Maiatza 17 · Ada Lovelace areto nagusia, Informatika Fakultatea (UPV/EHU). Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia


Second Seminar on Advanced Techniques in Human-Computer Interaction

Organized by the ADIAN research group[1] with the collaboration of BaiLab and Egokituz

Date:     May 17, 2017

Time:     From 10:00 to 13:00

Place:    Ada Lovelace Conference Room. Faculty of Informatics. University of the Basque Country. Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia

Attendance: free until completing the capacity of the conference room


10:00 Presentation. Dr. Julio Abascal. Head of the ADIAN research group.

10:15   Adapting Social Networks for the Aged Population. Dr. Carlos Duarte Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and a researcher at LaSIGE /HCIM group.

           Older adults still face challenges when interacting with ICT. This contributes to increase their feelings of isolation, since it prevents them from taking an active part in the online lives of their younger family members. In this talk I will present our work on the interface design and adaptation of the largest online social network - Facebook - in order to make it accessible for the senior population.

11:00  Coffee break

11:30 Activity Trackers in Elderly with Reduced Mobility.  Dr. Antón Civit  Catedrático de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores. Universidad de Sevilla

         The accuracy and usefulness of current commercially available activity trackers in rollator dependent elderly with reduced mobility, compared with elderly with normal mobility and healthy adults show that slow walking speed and gait disorders hamper the utility of pedometers for physical activity measurement in rollator dependent elderly. Commercially available activity trackers are better suited for use by ostensibly healthy elderly or adult populations.

12:15 Towards End Users Personalization of Context-dependent Applications in the Wild. Dr. Fabio Paternò. Research Director at C.N.R.-ISTI (Pisa) and of the Laboratory on Human Interfaces in Information Systems.

           The advent of mobile technologies and the Internet of Things have made extremely variable and dynamic the contexts of use in which we access our applications. This talk describes how to support end users in specifying how their applications and environments should adapt to the various types of contextual events and/or conditions. A platform developed at the HIIS Laboratory of CNR- ISTI for this purpose is illustrated, as well as how it can be customized for various domains,  applications, and contexts of use. The context-dependent personalization is modelled through trigger / action rules, which can be specified by people without programming experience, and can be applied to Web applications that were not originally designed to be context-aware in order to create versions customized for specific contexts of use and needs. I will discuss how this approach enables the dynamic creation and execution of personalized application versions more suitable for specific contexts of use, and report on first example applications in real world contexts.

13:00 Conclusions and final remarks


[1] ADIAN is supported by the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government (Grant IT980-16).

Gizaki-konputagailu elkarrekintza eta Web irisgarritasunaren ebaluazioaren teknika aurreratuei buruzko mintegia

Gizaki-konputagailu elkarrekintza eta Web irisgarritasunaren ebaluazioaren teknika aurreratuei buruzko mintegia

2017 Apirila 26 · Ada Lovelace aretoa. Informatika Fakultatea. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia



9:15     Presentation. Dr. Julio Abascal. Head of the ADIAN research group.

9:30     Formulating and testing hypotheses about human-computer interaction on the Web. Dr. Markel Vigo. Bio-Health Informatics Group & Interaction Analysis and Modelling Lab. School of Computer Science. University of Manchester

10:15   Eye tracking scanpath analysis on web pages. Dr. Yeliz Yesilada.  Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus (METU NCC) in the Computer Engineering programme. Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science at the University of Manchester .

11:00   Coffee break

11:30   Understanding Behaviour using Smart Phones. Dr. Simon Harper. School of Computer Science. The University of Manchester.

12:15 Conclusions and final remarks

Attendance is free until completing the capacity of the conference room.

Amaia Aizpuruak aurkeztuko du bere doktore tesia "Contributions to Web Accessibility: Device-tailored Evaluation, User-tailored Interface Generation and the Interplay with User Experience"

2017 Apirila 25 · Ada Lovelace aretoa


Amaia Aizpuruak bere doktore-tesia "Contributions to Web Accessibility: Device-tailored Evaluation, User-tailored Interface Generation and the Interplay with User Experience" ("Web irisgarritasunari Ekarpenak: Gailu-neurrira egindako ebaluazioa, erabiltzaileak egokitutako interface sorkuntza eta erabiltzaile-esperientziarekin elkareragina") izenburupean aurkeztu zuen. Myriam Arrue (Egokituz, UPV/EHU) eta Markel Vigo (Bio-Health Informatics Group & Interaction Analysis and Modelling Lab. U. of Manchester) Doktoreek zuzenduta.Tesiak behineko puntuaketa Bikain jaso zuen ("cum Lude" botoaren emaitzaren zain). J. Abascal (UPV / EHU), S. Harper (U. Manchester), Y.Yesilada ( Middle East Technical U.), C. Manresa (U. de les Illes Balears) eta A. Diaz de Ilarraza (UPVEHU) doktoreek tribunala osatu zuten.

IKTk Kultura Ondarearen Kudeaketa eta Hedapenerako

2017 Apirila 01 ·


Kultur Ondarearen Kudeaketa eta Zabaltzeko IKTei buruzko Jarduunaldiak

2017ko apirilaren 1 eta 2

Manuel Lekuona Udal Biblioteka, Oiartzun

2017ko apirilak 1


9:30-10:00    Juan Mari Beltran (Soinueneako zuzendaria) eta Emilio X. Dueñas (Soinuenea Lan-taldearen koordinatzailea): “Ongietorria eta jardunaldien aurkezpena: testuingurua eta helburuak”.

10:00-10:30 Rosa Ramírez (ODEI S.A.): “EMSIME, Sistema de gestión documental del Patrimonio Mueble de los museos del Inventario General de Euskadi”.

10:30-11:00  Maddalen López la Calle (Elhuyar Fundazioa): “Ondarebideak, aplicación para la gestión del Patrimonio Cultural”.

11:00-11:30   Mahai-ingurua eta kafea

11:30-12:30 Miguel García/ Jorge Galván del Río (Wikimedia España): “Experiencia de inclusión de la Fonoteca del Museo de Urueña en Wikimedia”.

12:30-13:00  Mahai-ingurua


13:00-15:00  Bazkaria


15:00-15:45 Manel Barcons Carbonell (Museu de la Música Bacelona-ko kontserbatzailea): “MIMO: una base de datos on-line sobre instrumentos musicales en colecciones públicas”.

15:45-16:00  Mahai-ingurua

16:00-16:45  M. Concepción Losada Vázquez eta Sergio de la Ossa (Arquivo do Patrimonio Oral da Identidade): “El Arquivo do Patrimonio Oral da Identidade del Museo do Pobo Galego: una experiencia de archivo de patrimonio tradicional musical  y oral de Galicia en la red”.

16:45-17:15  Mahai-ingurua eta kafea

17:15: 18:00 Alfonso Fernández (Muséu de la Gaita de Gijón-ko zuzendaria): “La experiencia del Archivo de la Música Tradicional Asturiana. Museo del Pueblo de Asturias-Museo de la Gaita de Gijón”.

18:00-18:15  Mahai-ingurua


18:30            Herri kanten emanaldia: ARTAnTXURIKETA, Ama alabak.

                     Ahozko transmisioa. Maria Jesus Zugarramurdi, Arantxa, Ainhoa eta Maider Ansa.


2017ko apirilak 2


10:00-11:00  Isabel Hernando Collazos (Revista sobre Patrimonio Cultural-eko zuzendaria. Zuzenbide Fakultatea, UPV/EHU): “Disponibilidad y propiedad de la información multimedia sobre el patrimonio cultural en la legislación”.

11:00-11:30   Mahai-ingurua eta kafea

11:30-12:30 Gerrit van der Veer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA), Dept. Computer Science): “Internet as a window for preserving and showing the cultural heritage” [hitzaldia ingelesez emango da].

12:30-13:00  Mahai-ingurua

13:30-15:00    Bazkaria

Kultur ondarearen hedapena Webean: kurtso praktikoa

2017 Martxoa 29 · Computer science School (University off the Basque Country). Manuel Lardizabal 1, 20018 Donostia.


Izenburua: Kultur ondarea web bidez zabaltzeari buruzko ikastaro praktikoa

Itarakaslea: Gerrit van der Veer (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Herbehereak Open University []

Hizkuntza: Inglesera, aldi bereko ingelesa-gaztelera hitzaldien itzulpenarekin.

Egunak: 2017ko martxoaren 29tik 31 arte

Ordutegia: 15:30tik  19:30 arte

Tokia: Informatika Fakultatea. UPV / EHU. Lardizabal 1 20018 Donostia

Materialak: Aste bat aurretik parte-hartzaileek kurtsoa prestatzeko informazioa jasoko dute: sarrera labur eta eskaera bat barne: kultur ondarearen adibide bat aurkitu behar dute beren familia, kultura edo ingurumena eta oharrak eta argazkiak edo deskribapenak ekarri lehenengo egunetik. Beren ordenagailua erabili ahal izango dute, hala nahi izanez gero.

Izena eman: Kurtsoa doakoa da, baina laborategiaren edukiera mugatua da. Erreserbak onartuko dira gehienezko edukiera bete arte. Izena emateko datu pertsonalak dituen mezu bat bidali behar duzu Julio Abascali:

Orixe BHI eta Samaniego Ikastetxeekin JolasmATIKA proiektu pilotoan lankidetza

2016 Abendua 22 ·


Ikerketa taldeko kide batzuk parte hartzen dute JolasmATIKA proiektu pilotoan, informatikaren kontzeptu batzuk transmititzeko unibertsitatekoak ez diren zentroetako ikasleei. Jokuak erabilita egingo da eta maila akademiko desberdinetako ikasleen bidez. Informazio gehiago ikus daiteke bideo honetan: