HCI in Spain.
Abascal J., Lorés J.
2003 - INTERACT 2003. Ninth IFIP TC13 Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction.
Oral communication
A Web Service for Automatic Accessibility Analysis of Web Pages Based on the Use of XML Structures.
Abascal J., M. Arrue, Garay N., J. Tomás.
2003 - HCI International 2003.
Oral communication
Towards a Cognitive Accessibility Guideline based on Empirical Evidences of Deaf Users Web Interaction.
I. Fajardo, J. J. Cañas, L. Salmerón, Abascal J.
2003 - HCI International 2003.
Oral communication
Mobile interfaces for people with severe motor restrictions
Abascal J., Cagigas D., Garay N., Gardeazabal L.
2003 - HCI International 2003.
Oral communication
Entornos inteligentes para personas con necesidades especiales.
Abascal J., Gardezabal L., Garay N., Civit A., Falcó J.
2002 - Workshop Investigación sobre nuevos paradigmas de interacción en entornos colaborativos aplicados ala gestión y difusión del patrimonio cultural. COLINE'02. [http://lsi.ugr.es/~mgea/workshops/coline02/Articulos/abascal.pdf]
Oral communication
USERfit Tool. A tool to facilitate Design for All.
Abascal J., Arrue M., Garay N., Tomás J.
2002 - 7th ERCIM Int. Workshop on User Interfaces for All.
Oral communication
HCI in Assistive Technology: From Patchwork to Universal Design
Abascal J.
2002 - 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
Oral communication
Opportunities and Risks of the Information and Communication Technologies for Users with Special Needs.
Abascal J., Civit A.
2002 - 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
Oral communication
An Efficient Robot Path Planning System for Large Environments Using Pre-Calculated Paths.
Cagigas D., Abascal J.
2002 - 10th IEEE Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation.
Oral communication
Emulación de teclado y ratón por medio de pantallas táctiles.
Gardeazabal L., Garay N., Abascal J.
2002 - 3º Congreso de Interacción Persona Ordenador Interacción 2002
Oral communication